Fear Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will

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 Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. Trust that you are doing what you were put here on this earth to do. The universe will take care of the rest. 


What sets you on fire? What about life makes your heart race with a simple thought? These are the things that you need to pursue to set you free. 

For the people who arent going after their passions, there is only one thing that is in the way, fear. Many dont realize the fact that any obstacle can be overcome if we are just willing to put forward the effort to get past what may block us. 

When you are able to do the things that scare you the most, then anything is possible. Freedom is being able to live life how you want to, without anything getting in your way. 

Dont let self-doubting, negative thoughts stop you from being free. Seize your freedom by being willing to stand and fight for your passions. As long as you may live, live free!

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Just Chill chill just CHill

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