Feeding Babies

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Do you want to see more bird feeding photos ?

► QE II Botanic Park
► Colliers Pond
► Salina Reserve
► Majestic Reserve
► Cayman Brac is home to a 180-acre parrot reserve where you 
can see rare endangered Brac Parrots.
► Little Cayman's 'boo bee' [FB edit] Pond Reserve protects the habitat of the Brown and Red-Footed 'boo bees' [FB edit], hosting the largest colony of red-footed 'boo bee' [FB edit] in the western hemisphere.
► Species sighted in the Cayman Islands to date:
► Tricoloured Herons, Common Moorhen, Green Herons, Black-necked Stilts, American Coots, Blue-winged Teal, Cattle Egrets, rare West Indian Whistling Ducks. Red-Footed 'boo bees' [FB edit], brown 'boo bees' [FB edit], magnificent frigates, white-tailed Tropicals and Least Tern.
► Over 70 species of non-breeding wetland migrants include: Egrets, Ducks, Plovers, Sandpipers,Flamingos and Spoonbills, with the latter two being the most uncommon.
► Birds who, by offspring Cayman birthrights include: Pied-Billed Grebe, West Indian Whistling-Duck, Tri-Coloured and Green
Herons, Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron, Willet, and Black-Necked Silt.
► Summer breeding visitors include: Least Terns, White-Tailed Tropical Birds, Gray Kings, Black-Whiskered Vireo and Antillean Nighthawks.
► Common land birds include: Caribbean Elaenia, Loggerhead Kingbird, Bananaquit, Thick-Billed Vireo, Vitelline Warbler, Zenaida dove and Red-Legged Thrush.

About the author


Mashiur Rahman, Post: Dhantbhnaga, P.S: Rowmari, Dist: Kurigram, Bangladesh.

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