Film Distribution: Movie Theaters vs. Home

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While in class the other day, someone asked if we prefer to go to the movies or watch one at home. This question made me realize that the answer was obvious to me. The movie theater of course!

Yes, it is cheaper to use Netflix if you are a movie lover. Your bed or couch is probably more comfortable than the theater's seats. I agree that you don't have to wait in line to get your tickets or even cancel your movie night because of sold out tickets - yes it happened to me when I tried to go see 'The Social Network' a month after it has been released. Yes you won't have to endure the pop corn eater or the noisy teenager as your seat neighbor. But you can argue all you want, all these disadvantages won't prevent me from enjoying 2 hours in front of the big screen surrounded by people I don't know.

When you decide to go to the movies, it's a date. A date with Cinema - capital C. You remember the excitement when you saw the trailer for the same movie you are about to watch now. You are already planning your next rendez-vous with the theater while images from upcoming movies appear on the screen. You cannot restrain a 'finally!!!!' when the lights are turned off. Have you ever been to the movie theater on the day of a world release? Didn't you feel spoiled to be able to watch the movie before everybody else? I believe that watching films at home won't bring you those feelings.

Do you need to only watch movies at the theater to be a movie addict? Certainly not. But you do if you want to feel the 'magic'. Next time you go to the movies and you watch a film at home, take a few minutes to realize what you feel and tell me the difference!

Until then, have a good week full of movies!

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