Fishead Feedback From Camille...

Posted on at

Bless you for this riveting and powerful documentary. I have watched it twice and will be watching it again. I found <fishead( mentioned on a site that has a support group for victims of psychopaths. Unfortunately, I believe that I am married to a 1 in a hundred kind of guy. Life is hell. But - what an incredible coincidence that your documentary was released just as occupywallstreet began. I will - and already have begun - sending word out to friends and family with loads of Facebook friends to watch <fishead( online. Camille

About the author


MISHA VOTRUBA Director / Producer Misha Votruba is former psychiatrist with extensive creative experience in feature film, documentaries and experimental theater. From 1996 to 2001, he worked as a writer/story editor in Hollywood and from 2002, in New York and in Europe. In 2000, Misha co-founded Misha Films -- a…

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