Fishead Feedback From Catherina...

Posted on at

It is a great movie you have put together - congratulations. Several people and friends are already fired up about it and sharing via FB and Skype and where ever else. Thank goodness there are bright souls like you who fearlessly use your talent to awaken the sleeping. May you have great success with this venture and I hope much good will follow in its footsteps for you both. Consider me a friend who will make friends of friends of friends your friends... :-) All the best, Catherina

About the author


MISHA VOTRUBA Director / Producer Misha Votruba is former psychiatrist with extensive creative experience in feature film, documentaries and experimental theater. From 1996 to 2001, he worked as a writer/story editor in Hollywood and from 2002, in New York and in Europe. In 2000, Misha co-founded Misha Films -- a…

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