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First of all we must know what a fridge is and what all processes happening in the fridge.
Fridge is a storage system of food which preserves the food and keeps it fresh as it was before; the main process happening in fridge is freezing with the help of a coolant.
Now we will go to the exterior design of the fridge where we can have a look that it has two to three containers where we can preserve food items and the other items which has to be stored for a longer period of time. The first container which is above the others is to make a thing rest for longer period of time and it will be in the form of ice and will be of a structure of solid. The next container will store the preservatives for a shorter period of time and the preservatives will be in its original form of nature. The third container is to store the vegetables and fruits where they can be stored freshly.
This process of refrigeration is being applied in the common import/export system of food for far away countries like fish, meat, etc.
By seeing all these results we can come to a conclusion that for the generation like nowadays it is very important process otherwise the far away countries will not have the food to lead their life.

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