go Home To West Borneo

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This is the story of my journey when return to Borneo west of the port of Semarang western Java. I come from cirebon where I studied in Cirebon, I return to Borneo together with my cousin.
I came home because I wanted to see my hometown who have long left me, because since childhood and grew up in Java precisely on the island of Madura, East Java.
 Go to Borneo I want to see the potential to work there and to see the opportunities that might exist for me to work there.
Ship I felt very dizzy because my journey is not easy, a lot of waves that made my head dizzy.
No ship cafeteria where all meals are sold very expensive and usually I buy is pop noodle.
I often go out to the ship hull because the place is spacious enough to relax and enjoy the sea view, quite pleasant to travel by boat.
@ Omg My english Translation is very broken. :)

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