Google’s OnHub Router Will Fix Your Spotty Wireless Connections

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If you happen to have a filthy load of cash just lying around and happen to have a bad Wi-Fi connection, Google has a solution for you, too. Partnering with ASUS, it has developed and released the second iteration of its OnHub router. The device will be available for $219.99.

The device succeeds the first OnHub which was announced earlier in the summer. It attempts to remove the hassle which usually comes with home Wi-Fi. It does that by offering an easy setup, a reliable connection, and simple management of your connections via a dedicated Google On app.

It comes with gesture control so you can wave your hand on top of the router (Wave Control) to boost the speed of a particular device. It also debuts what Google calls an smart antenna algorithm which selects the best combination of antennas to direct signals better to devices spread across your house.


This feature will roll out via a software update to the original OnHub routers made by TP-Link, too.  Connectivity is done via one USB 3.0 and one LAN port. Wi-Fi 802.11ac is supported, as are 5 Ghz connections.

As is expected for devices from a company like Google, the OnHub doesn’t look like your typical Wi-Fi router, which means you can place it comfortably in your living room just as well as you can on your computer table. A cool LED ring further adds pizzazz.

The new OnHub will be available starting from this week. In case you’re interested, the old, shorter model without Wave Control will be available for $20 cheaper, so that could be the way to go as well.

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I am Shan Ali. I am from Karachi, Pakistan and love to write blogs on tech. Subscribe me to see more from me.

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