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In Japanese, HANABI  (花火) means fire flower (bi=fire and hana= flower) which translates to FIREWORKS  in English. There is something about fireworks that always seen to evoke “Ouuuus” and “Ahhhhs” in everyone, despite their age, race, nationality or economic background.

Every July , women and children with radiant smiles dressed in yukatas (summer kimonos) sit along the beach or park just before the sun sets anxiously awaiting for the sky to be painted into a dazzling array of colours.

When it starts it is always greeted by an appreciative applause by hundreds of people when fireworks in unique shapes of fishes and firefly squids brighten the dark skies.

The  Hanabi is above all a celebration- a celebration of the beginning of summer, a celebration of friends and family but most of all, a celebration of love.

Every year on the park and stare innocently as the sky explodes, I can’t help but think, “This is what life is about.”

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