He listen to all my complains

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He listen to all my complains about work, life and even about myself.

Then he will comfort me and will tell me that I am beyond what I think I am, then he will do things to make me laugh,even if I have been crying for hours about how mad I am about something. He can really make me smile and will make me laugh, will stop me from crying and will make sure that I am feeling all well before we ended our conversations.

Ever since I am here in Abu Dhabi, he always makes me feel like his next to me. So whenever I can't feel his presence, I always find myself looking for him to seek some comfort that I need. I can't tell my family about how stupid I get and how mad I am, or how hard it is for me sometimes, reason's are because I don't want them to worry about me and nag at me to just come home.

So I would like to thank you for being here even if you are not really here with me. Thanks for listening without complaining, thanks for making me feel at ease. I'm always thankful and grateful.

We may fight and argue, we may hate each other sometimes. But I know that you really can't hate me HAHAH  and so do I, I love you Jordzthanks for being an amazing partner despite of me being such a biatch most of the times, you still think I am a sweetheart after being a bitch lol!!Missing you a lot XOXO from Abu Dhabi, UAE

About the author


Worrying is a waste of time. Good and bad things happen in life, you just have to keep living and not stress over what you can't control.

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