Health Benefits Of Honey

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1. It boosts your disease fighting capability.

Raw, organic and natural honey is packed with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes which protect your body from bacteria and raise the immune system. Flu and cold symptoms, such as coughs, sore throats, and congestion are kept away when treated with honey also.

To boost your disease fighting capability, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to tepid to warm water daily. For a supplementary boost, add fresh lemon juice and a dash of cinnamon.

2. You are helped because of it lose weight.

Drinking tepid to warm water with lemon and honey on a clear stomach, very first thing each day, is the key element of every detox program I offer my clients. Carrying this out on a regular basis is among the finest ways to cleanse the liver, remove toxins, and flush fat from your body.

For optimal benefits, add 1 tablespoon of honey in addition to the juice of 1 lemon to tepid to warm water every morning hours before breakfast. This is an extremely soothing and satisfying drink to get rid of the entire day with, as well.

3. The chance is reduced because of it of cardiovascular disease.

Honey blended with cinnamon has been proven to revitalize the arteries and veins of the heart and reduce cholesterol in the blood by up to 10%. When taken frequently, this honey-cinnamon mixture may decrease the threat of heart attacks and stop another from occurring in individuals who have already suffered one.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey with 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon to tepid to warm water, drink daily then.

4. It soothes indigestion.

For individuals who have problems with indigestion, the antiseptic properties of honey relieve acidity in the stomach and alleviate digestion. Honey neutralizes gas also, becoming the best stomach soother as it pertains to overeating.

A couple of tablespoons of honey before heavy meals is the ultimate way to thwart indigestion, and if you have already overindulged, add lemon and honey to hot water to help move food through the digestive track.

5. It bolsters your energy.

The natural sugars in honey give a healthy way to obtain calories and energy for the physical body. Plus, using honey for a power boost also answers the human body's innate craving for something sweet.

Fight fatigue with nature's response to low energy. Of reaching for coffee instead, cakes, or chocolate to truly get you via an energy slump, try reaching for a tablespoon of raw, organic and natural honey instead.

6. It clears up your skin layer.

Because of its anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, honey is the best organic and natural skincare brand. A dab of raw apply, organic honey right to blemishes, and allow skin overnight absorb its medicinal properties. Wash it off each day, and after regular use, you'll awaken to clear skin!

Honey is an efficient treatment for other skin conditions also, such as eczema, ring worm, and psoriasis. Though honey will not CURE these conditions, soothe inflammation is performed because of it and relieve dryness.

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