Health food

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Good health worth half a kingdom. It is something that everyone says, but still less is known how to keep healthy and what to do to stay healthy? We might have encountered the people who complain about their health and suffer sicknesses but we might have never asked them what they have ever done to stay healthy what has caused hem fall illnesses, they may have not paid enough attention to their diet, soft exercises, light mental activities or other things necessary for health, and even they might have consciously welcomed sicknesses by smoking cigarettes, hashish or other narcotics. One of the most efficient ways to keep healthy is having health food. It is easy to know what health food means, and how to procure it easily. Health food does not necessarily mean foods rich in proteins and vitamins, foods containing minerals can as well be counted as good source of energy to keep the body healthy, that is to say, having food necessary for good health cannot be only food rich in vitamins and proteins but also foods containing other essential things can be effective health provider. Recommended, the long and the short of these activities are: light exercises, normal mental activities, studying books, bathing…etc. By following the above guidelines and providing health food we can have a sound mind in a sound body.

About the author


Jamal naser is from herat Afghanistan. He is studying at istaqlal high school.

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