Hello, Lovers! It's the New Goodreads Romance Newsletter!

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Can you hear our hearts pounding? We've already got our General and Young Adult newsletters, but now our palms are sweating and our pupils are dilating because we're so excited to announce the debut of the Goodreads Romance Newsletter. Get ready to find out about great new love stories from your favorite authors! In our first issue we have the mysterious (and anonymous) Sylvain Reynard's revealing interview plus a deleted scene from his new paranormal series, The Raven; asexy video chat with the irrepressible Colleen Hoover; a peek at some hot upcoming covers; a selection of classic erotica for you to read while you're waiting for the premiere of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie, and more. The newsletter starts hitting inboxes today—if you want to receive it, make sure you've selected Romance as one of your favorite genres. Do that here! Can't wait? Sneak a peek at it here!

About the author


I am simple personality with some attitude.

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