Help the needy.

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The purpose to join this network is not to earn money for myself but to help those who needs it. I want to delineate the life of a poor so that you guys can help in contributing towards the betterment of these people. I am a student and I get 200 pesos, which is $20, a week. At weekends I visit my friends. The thing that struck me to write this was an old women who I have being seeing from the day I stepped into this country. I forgot mentioning that i am from Pakistan and I recently shifted for 2 years in Argentina. This old women sits at the same place surrounded by bags around her and few cloths. Sadly the place was the floor. That was her home. Upon asking my friend about her, I got to know that she has been living at the same place for the past 5 years. I was shocked and at the same time sad. I wanted to help her so I gave all what I had in my wallet. I had 200 pesos and I gave it all. The smile on her face was priceless and it made me realise that if it takes even a million bucks to to see that smile again I will do anything to raise that million bucks. She was happy and so do I. It was really sad knowing how she use to spent her whole time on this floor and survive the changing weathers with time. Whenever I pass that street I see her smiling at me and greeting me and in response I would rather bring her some food or sometimes cloths or money. I was curios to know about her past so I went to her and asked her about her past. She said that her life was normal like everyone. She had a house, a loving husband and two children. Unfortunately a disaster struck and her husband and two children were murdered by thieves who broke into her house. She was not available when this happened. Upon knowing about the loss she fainted and she became so mentally ill and was in a state on depression that she was sent for a treatment. The treatment was expensive so her house was sold. After the treatment her relatives abandoned her and she was left with nothing but hope. She said that despite loosing everything she had faith and hope and that faith has healed her till now. She has spent days,nights,summers and winters at that place. She still has hope that something will eventually make her life better. She was a really nice lady and whenever I met her I would be satisfied with the time I spent with her knowing about the things she has gone through and what she has done to tackle them.HOPE was her answer and she said that people like you keep our hopes alive. This was one of the best compliments so far I have ever recieved in my life.She would always ask me to eat whenever she was eating something despite the difficulty she had obtaining it and this showed her gratitude. I really enjoy her company and now I really want to do something that can eradicate her difficulties. 

Friends, the point is that we are surrounded by so much things around that we overlook the good things that we need to do and are much more focused towards our own betterment and things that only benifits us. You never know what your life will be after 10 years. My point is that such things should be inevitable and we all should do something to contribute towards the betterment of these people. Make someone smile who really needs it and trust me my friends that smile is worth watching. Open your eyes and look around you. There are people who barely gets anything to eat and look at you laying down on your comfy beds having mobiles connected to internet and possibly enjoying the use. Start giving due consideration to the people who are actually the real heros. Making the impossible possbile. Imagine your life substituting with one of their lives and you barely won't survive a day.

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