Hiking to Skaklya Waterfall near Vratsa

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Photo Credit: Myself

Hello, guys!


I was quite busy the past week so couldn't find any time to write a new blog. But, now that I already settled everything (okay, almost everything), I have some feeling that I want to write a bit more. Last week I was invited by a friend of mine to go to a nice place in the mountain with a big waterfall. So, in this blog, I'd like to share about my trip and my experience during that.



Photo Credit: Myself


Since it was the end of spring, it was raining a lot lately. And the place I mentioned with the waterfall is perfect to visit exactly during this season. In fact, without rain and melting snow, there is no waterfall at all. In the location, only the rocks are available, which are colored from the water that was pouring from the top. A few weeks before I went the waterfall was so full of water that it was visible from the city, and even from my balcony, even though the distance is not that small.



Photo Credit: Myself


To reveal the mystery around it, the place I'm talking about is called Skaklya Waterfall, part of the Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park. To reach the place, all you need to do is take a road from the center of Vratsa town and walk on it in the direction of the mountain. Where the road ends, the mountain path leading to the waterfall starts.



Photo Credit: Myself


Here are some facts about the Skaklya Waterfall:

        ⚫  Height: 141 meters
        ⚫  Location: Vratsa, Bulgaria
        ⚫  Rank: Highest waterfall in Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula


Skaklya is the highest intermittently flowing waterfall in Bulgaria - 141 meters. It is located 1.5 km. south of Vratsa, behind the hill Kaleto.



Although the height of the waterfall is so impressive, it is actually not very well known attraction. The reason is that there are large periods when the waterfall is simply not a waterfall - it is dried out and no water is available. Sometimes it can stay like that for years. And I was lucky to catch it in its full beauty after the rains. And indeed enjoyed it very much.


Starting the Trip


Video Credit: Nina B via YouTube.com


I and my friend started our hike in the middle of the afternoon in the hottest part of the day. I had some concerns about it, as I try to take care of my health and not go out when the sun is the strongest. But luckily, only the first part of the path was sunny, maybe just 300 - 400 m of it. Once in the mountain, the way goes through the forest and the shadow is good enough for protection. The beginning is easy - a straight and flat tiny mountain path leads to a place with drinking water.



Photo Credit: Myself


Water in the mountain is especially clean because it comes from springs or melted ice or snow from the highest parts of the hills. And there is no human activity there to add any toxic compounds to it, so all minerals are preserved and it's good for the health. Around the location with the drinking water wooden benches and bowers are made for convenience to take a break before continuing the trip.


The Climbing



Photo Credit: Myself


After taking some water in the hot weather we continued our walk, but this time the path started to become very steep. In some areas, it was almost vertical and difficult to climb, as no steps were there and the only stable objects around were the trees and the bushes nearby. And the one thing that made our experience even harder, was that we were talking and discussing different topics while going up. At some point, I felt like I don't have breath anymore as talking and climbing at the same time is very hard to do.

There are several kinds of dangerous sites on the way, where it seems like you're lost in the forest, and the path is gone. It is possible to get lost there if you choose the wrong direction, and I've done that before in previous trips to this location. Nevertheless, there are stones and even big rocks situated directly on the way, and to continue, you have to either walk over them or go around them, then search for the path on the other side.

Well, I can say it's a bit extreme, but not something that's impossible to do. It all depends on the physical condition of the one that's climbing, and ability to control breathing. We managed to reach the waterfall with almost no breaks, in not more than an hour. The trip is steep but short. It's a good training for the entire body as walking and climbing are healthy exercises.



Photo Credit: Myself


Skaklya Waterfall


Video Credit: Nina B via YouTube.com


The view that's revealed in front of you once you reach the place is fantastic. High vertical rocks, water pouring from the top and feeling like rain even when on big distance from it. In fact, it's impossible to go near the waterfall without getting wet as when water falls from such height it makes wet everything around. When I visited, the water was not in its full power, it was very little but still impressive. As I said, I was lucky to even find water because most of the times I've visited waterfall didn't exist.



Photo Credit: Myself


It's a magnificent view to look from the lowest point to the top of the mountain where the river is pouring its water. On the left side of the waterfall, the path continues and gives the opportunity to make the trip even longer. Last week I didn't go there, but as a child, I've been walking many times on this route. It leads to a meadow and a small cave. I'm not sure if a cave is not too strong to call it because the structure is more like a hole in the rocks.

After walking more on the route, the end destination is the hill above the waterfall, so one can actually see the river before it turns into a waterfall. Last time I went to this place was many years ago but I still remember how the mountain looks, my memories are very bright. On the top of the hill the view is of meadows, forest, trees, and of course, the most rewarding one - the view of the city below. The higher you are on the hill, the smaller the roofs of the houses are.

To reach the city from Skaklya Waterfall was much easier. The only thing you need to be careful about when moving down is to control your speed. As inertia might drag you faster than it's safe for you. Besides that, it's quick and pleasant to jump down the rocks and pass through the forest. All the way birds are singing and the feeling is relaxing.



Photo Credit: Myself


I decided to include this blog in my collection because first, I believe this is a great tourist attraction, and second, I wanted to share about my trip. Lastly, before I finish this post, I've visited Skaklya Waterfall in winter, too. Climbing up is hard, but on the way back, I don't know if you can imagine what it is like to slide on the ice of the frozen path. And the ice is not so thick that it can protect you from the stones and the rough surface beneath. It's a unique experience, and I still remember it even if it was so long ago.



Photo Credit: Myself


I hope you enjoyed my blog! See you later!



- NinaB


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