Hitachi Seaside Park

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Hitachi Seaside Park is located in Japan. It is nearly 2 hrs from Tokyo situated in Hitachinaka near Ibaraki in Japan. This park is spread within the area of around 3.5 hectares. It is a garden of seasonal flowers. Its blue Nemophilias makes this park mainly famous. In spring more than 4.5 million blue Nemophilias blooms spreading all over the park. In the month of May the both hills are cover with several blue flowers. The Hitchachi Seaside park grows around 170 varieties of tulips every spring season. It is also called the home of daffodils. The pathway will on the top of the hill where you can enjoy the scenic beauty of Pacific Ocean.There is also an amusement park named Pleasure Garden near the Hitachi Seaside Park. It also has exhibition of their countryside homes, which is merely an educational one, by which we can know their culture. There is place where you can hire a cycle for cycling. Hitachi Seaside Park is truly a paradise of flowers. This park is a wonderland where you can see millions of various and colorful flowers blooming throughout the year. One should visit this park to see how our beautiful our world can be.