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Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive in any way. When we are honest, we build strength of character that will allow us to be of great service to God and to others. We are blessed with peace of mind and self-respect and will be trusted by the Lord and others. 

Benefits of practicing honesty:

1) Without honesty there is no foundation for a lasting or enjoyable relationship in any context, whether that be with a family member, friend or romantic interest. Honesty is a voice for love that builds trust. Without it, even 'I love you' becomes a lie in itself and there's no real security in the relationship.

2)Honesty brings good health and happiness While practicing honesty in life, you are free from worries of being caught of the act of your dishonesty. Thus you will be free from anxiety and stress. A stressful life leads toeases and remain happy, one must switch to honest life style. several diseases including high blood pressure, diabetes, fatigue and weak immune system. This may also result in several other related diseases that can make life miserable. Thus to keep away from such dis

3) When people don't know the truth, they will try and guess it. That is, not being honest about something causes people to try and figure out what you're not saying, or what the truth actually is. This breeds gossip, which can then foster more lies and deception that other people may mistake as truth. Finally, this causes many more people to feel hurt and betrayed when the truth is finally revealed, all of which could be avoided if honesty was applied in the first instance.

4) People are usually more hurt by the concealment of the truth than by the truth itself. Some people lie because they're afraid the truth with get them in trouble or cause another pain, but more often than not, while the truth may be painful, it is still usually less painful when delivered honestly than when it is wrapped in deception. Holding back on it or lying to cover it only causes people to feel betrayed as well as hurt, and to then question why you weren't just honest with them in the first place.

5) Being honest improves the relationship and saves us from having to live a lie. Lies rarely come on their own: one will usually be needed to cover another until it spirals out of control. This becomes complicated for the one who started it and confusing for the one receiving it. More than that, living a lie is hard work. It means not being yourself or enjoying relationships, and that is not comfortable for anyone. On the other hand, while being honest about difficult situations may be uncomfortable at first, if it can be worked through, the relationship is strengthened, trust is built and love is deepened. 

6) Society loves and respects those they are honest If you are not an honest person, believe me no one would like to have business, personal and working relationships with you. Even they will not be friendly with you. Liars are unable to lead a good life. People always love true you. They develop close relationships and greater intimacy with honest persons. They trust you, believe you, respect you and honor you. With honesty, you get better quality of people coming in your life, e.g. those they are trustworthy and honest. Quality of your life is improved by practicing honesty.

7) Honesty helps promoting goodwill around you Surroundings around honest people always pleasant and fully charged with positive energy. They promote positivism around them. People love them and imitate them. They are goodwill ambassadors of this world. Your habit of honesty will help you promoting goodwill around you.

8) With honesty you help making this world a better place With your habit of practicing honesty a strong interpersonal relationship is built with honest and positive people. Your level of happiness is also increased and you lead a peaceful life free from negativities. Your physical and mental health is also improved. You become an icon for the people who are in contact with you. An aura of positivism surrounds you. People are attracted towards you and you can influence them to practice honesty in life and reap its benefits. Thus you help making this world a better place to live.

Honesty of Mahatma Gandhi helped India getting freedom from two hundred years of British rule. He also conveyed a message that honesty and non violence can improve conditions of this world.

9) With honesty you move closure to your divine purpose of life An honest person’s life is transparent. He has nothing to hide from this world. Honesty helps him awaken his latent powers and intuition. With evolved intuition, he learns several hidden secrets of this universe. Every person is born with a divine purpose of his life. Some people are able to know their purpose while most others remain ignorant throughout their lives due to their involvement in worldly pleasures. You can unleash your divine purpose by practicing honesty in life and fulfill that divine purpose.

Ancient Hindu religious scriptures tell us that everyone must fulfill divine purpose of their life else they will have to come back on this earth by taking rebirth again and again.  Once your divine purpose is fulfilled, you will achieve salvation and live in eternal peace and a blissful life.









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