Horoscope reading for June 2016

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General Climate
Do not make important decisions this month because your thoughts will be mixed up. After the 20th, there will be a renewal in your active life. You will ceaselessly be called upon. Nice opportunities will arise at a time when you least expect them.

Love Life
There will be a lot of emotional instability this month in your emotional life. You won't be able to distinguish between love and respect; a conflict is predicted at the end of the month. You will feel you need a lot of love and you will also tend to hate those who surround you. My advice: be patient.

Professional Life - Finances
Beware of hasty decisions as far as money is concerned this month; you could regret making one of them afterwards. The best way to avoid problems is to follow the "best practices" in terms of purchase, sale or investment. Even if the deal seems to be profitable, stay on your guard, take time to think and postpone your decision.

Your health will be fine this month. However, around the 20th, you will feel something akin to exhaustion. It will gradually go away as the month draws to an end. My advice: spending some time with your friends helps channel your energy and releases the tension and frustrations. Do not deprive yourself of such a lever.

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