How does Pineapple Induce Labor

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Components">">Components of Pineapple

Bromelain">">Bromelain is an enzyme that naturally occurs in pineapple. It is believed to work like a prostaglandin, which aids in the ripening and softening of the cervix. This enzyme is only present in fresh pineapple, and not in canned or jarred pineapple. After the pineapple has been cut and time passes, the enzyme diminishes; if you are trying to induce labor, only eat fresh pineapple.

It">">It is unclear if eating pineapple to help induce labor works, as many different women have had different experiences. Some doctors and midwives warn against eating large amounts of fresh pineapple during pregnancy. However, eating it in moderation will likely not cause you or your unborn baby any harm.

Still,">">Still, some mothers swear that eating a large amount of pineapple at the end of pregnancy induces labor. Many mothers try to naturally induce labor when they are past their due date. However, before trying any inducing techniques, always check with your doctor to be sure it is safe for both you and your baby. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that mothers avoid trying to induce labor until they have reached the 40-week mark.

Overall,">">Overall, pineapple has many health benefits. In addition to being a delicious food, it is packed with minerals and vitamins. Calcium, potassium, fiber and vitamin C are all packed in pineapple. In addition, pineapple is low in fat and cholesterol, and makes an excellent snack--whether you are pregnant or not.


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