How Many Video Game Players Are over 50?

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26% of all video game players are over 50 years old.

Nearly six out of every 10 Americans play video games, and 26% of video
game players are over 50, according to 2010 findings from the Entertainment
Software Rating Board. Although playing video games is often thought of as
a pastime for a younger demographic, nearly half of all video game players
are adults between ages 18 and 49. In fact, there are even slightly more
video gamers over 50 than kids and teenagers – only 25% of gamers are
under 18, the lowest percentage demographic. The average overall age of a
video game player in the US is 34, and most players have been taking part
in the activity for approximately 12 years. 

About the author


I am a simple guy and love travelling and photography very much.

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