How To Get That Much-Needed Rest

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Get some sleep: I have always been a horrible sleeper. Calming teas, hot baths, sleep medication--nothing ever seemed to help. Like many working moms, when the house is finally quiet, it can often still be incredibly difficult to quiet yourself and get that much-needed rest.

I am certainly not a sleep expert, but it's common knowledge that most of us require between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. Here are some of my best suggestions for getting some rest:

Exercise. We already talked about this, but my kids never have trouble sleeping, and I believe this is because we keep them active. Exercise keeps you healthy, keeps you thinking clearly, and helps with sleep. On the days I exercise, I sleep much better.

Stop working. It is so tempting for me to catch up on work once the kids are in bed and the house is quiet, but when I start thinking about work issues, I'm certain I'll be tossing and turning all night. Turn away from your work; it will be there for you tomorrow.

Watch what you drink. As a full-on caffeine addict, I struggle with this. If I could, I would drink coffee all day and night. The truth is that caffeine can actually take hours to fully affect your body. If you have trouble sleeping at night, think twice about your afternoon coffee break. The same goes for alcohol. Even though I love red wine, I have to be careful. While one glass helps me relax, more than that really does disturb my sleep later in the evening.

Make your to-do list. About an hour before bedtime, make a list of the things that need to be done the next day. Write it down and then release it from your mind. Keep a notepad (or your phone) by your bed. If you do wake up and think of something, jot it down and then you can rest knowing that you can refer to it later.

Go to bed at the same time every night. Ironically, one of the great advantages of being an adult is not having a "bedtime," yet I have learned that being consistent helps me stay on track. Do your best to not throw your schedule off too much on the weekends. Have fun, but keep your bedtime consistent.

Eat healthy: This is not a fitness book, and I am certainly no expert on what to eat or what to avoid. I will not attempt to lecture on carbs, sugars, or protein. At the heart of it, you know what you need to do.

When we are busy putting in full days at work and at home, it's very tempting to order pizza, or microwave that meal just one more time. When you eat better, you feel better. Do the right thing and be mindful of what your intake looks like. You will be glad that you did.


Credit to Ms. Samantha Knowles

About the author


A happy and contented person who wants to explore the world

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