How To Make Graham Cake/Mango Float

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This graham cake was made by my friend on my Birthday.

This is really simple to do.

No cooking. All you need to do is mix, combine, top it, top that and refrigerate. Ha Ha Ha


1 pack of Graham Crackers

1 Can of Angel Kremdensada (Ready mix of condensed and cream)

Sliced Mangoes

and a microwaveable where you will place your cake


1. Chill the Angel Kremdensada for about 30 mins to make it thick and creamier.

2. Beat the Kremdensada to make it MORE creamier.

3. Put some cream on the container that you'll use.

4. Put the Graham cracker on top of it. Layer it evenly.

5. Put some cream on top of it (evenly)

6. Put some mangoes.

7. Repeat 4, 5 and 6 until you achieve the desired height.

8. Then Refrigerate or chill.

9. Enjoy your homemade no bake cake. :D