I am not lover in someone else's life

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More than friendship, but not love - to make people think about trade - Round integrity emotion than love ... 
I asked him, "What I do is in that person's life?" ... And he said to me: "In a little friendship but not love" ... I guess our beloved ... but how can love here ... now to call my name and relationship of the person ... then that is familiar strangers in another life.Now I realize that when someone asks you that there is nothing of you, you do not ever give him the answer open. When people question people ask themselves is something of someone, they were self-evident to her a certain position in opposing heart. When that question is asked when people ask themselves is very vague about emotion, about that position for her to be asked. And when people receive no clear answer, we again assume the implicit hope that I was someone important in your life. I also left me hoping for answers "a little more than friendship but not love ...". The more space between friendship and love that makes people love to imagine. The concept of love is so big, to me, is the emotional injuries rounder love so much integrity. I'm not easy to say the word "trade" ... but when I say to someone, then my affection for them is more than just lovers. 
I was also injured, but I did get injured like people in the sense circular and filled with integrity. I'm just a phrase beloved of pity. I tried stuffing to fit the commercial position - a position that belongs to me. I'm paranoid feelings about everything until the person gets his or her loved one, I realized that I was nothing between larger space long friendship but not love it ... The moment when I knew he had the injury, I was angry and silent. But then also one cares about me. They are only interested in those who truly important in their lives alone - and I am nothing in someone's life. As I sit here and write this is when I understood clearly and accurately that I was not the person injured or important person in someone's life. Because when the important one to leave suddenly they do not seek? I had to go and no one to find me ... list exact words to me in life that people are now familiar strangers. If someone really loves you, what are your answers in their lives will be very clear. Trade is trade, and love is love - not what is mixed. And if they answer vaguely or assume that they have feelings for you, but not big enough, or they do not have feelings too deep for you, but to say the word "nothing" to you, too cruel ...

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