I Can’t Believe His Dog Is Doing THIS! I’m Literally CRYING From Laughing!

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If you could have one thing this Easter, what would it be? Would it be an impossibly cute thing on a Roomba? I bet it would be something adorable on a Roomba…

Boy are you in for a treat.

Because now’s as appropriate of a time for chicks as ever,here’s a video of a cat riding one, just cruisin’ and taking her tiny chick friend along for the ride. Please notice how the little bird nuzzles into her to stay upright, peeping every time the robot takes an unexpected turn.

What’s that? You’d like another? Okay, here’s a cat in a shark costume riding a Roomba while being chased by a duckling in what is perhaps the most internet-worthy clip any of us has ever seen. At some point, a dog dressed as a hammerhead shows up to pepper our curiosity and add another layer of perplexity to this strange and wonderful video.

But below, the mother lode of Roomba animal videos. Behold, Five the Boston terrier dressed as the Easter Bunny, as enamored and mesmerized as any animal has ever been with this bizarre quasi-vacuum. Watch him ride around the living room as his human dad who’s filming loses it.

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