I Remember Life

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I remember life.
I remember the joy of a morning,
The clinking of china from the downstairs kitchen,
The birds a soundtrack of a peaceful start.
Innocently, I begin afresh, ignorant of the adventures ahead.

I remember life.
I remember droplets cascading down the porch windows,
My happiness rising realising I’m inside.
Then outside, stretching sunbeams reaching behind the clouds.
I tingle as I feel the warmth.
As a boy, I lay on the wind- so strong it could take my weight.

I remember life.
I remember the little annoyances that mean so much:
The door that sticks;
The clothes that don’t fit;
The flowers that die;
The insects that fly;
The spill on the floor;
The unfinished chores
And the money you could retrieve but it’s too late.

I remember life,
Yet every other moment I forget it.


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