I remember

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I remember is a new short film just released by a talented director and close friend of mine, Josh Tilley

I remember, tells the story of a young biker and his memories of the joy he had riding. 

I remember has an amazing voice over, telling a powerful story which are accompanied by stunning visuals that really help portray the story in an elegant way, with a superb pacing. Josh's new film has stunned me and I am so glad I got to be a part of this film. I have seen this film from day one and the progress has been incredible.

A truly inspiring short film, and a promising carrer ahead for Josh. Really looking forward to seeing more work from you, and working with you again in the future.

Here is the link to the video - https://vimeo.com/81998729

and here is his website - http://joshtilleyproduction.wix.com/cinematographer

About the author


My name is Dominic Mathewson and I am a young film maker.

My aim is to challenge boundaries and share stories that I feel need to be shared.

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