I'm Not A Snob

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Am I a snob? Am I considered introvert since I always stay at home, no social life and I do not approach people?

Since my teenage, I didn't like socializing or going to our neighbors to have a chit chat with them. Instead, I'd  rather slept. That's why my father gave me a nickname "adawi" (a language in our dialect that means far away).

Now, my world evolves inside the house just with my kids and husband everyday except for Sundays. Even there are people or some visitor outside, I always stay inside the room and face my computer monitor. Other than that, when I meet  old acquaintances on the way, I will surely not the one to do the first move of  approaching and talking. I am overhearing other people saying people that I am a loner and a snob person.

There are many reasons why I am always inside our home not going out to mingle to some neighbors or some visitors. Yes, I told since  teenage I don't like socializing with other people but that was before. Now actually I wanted to hang out with some friends outside but we don't find a good schedule for all of us since we are all married and parents.

Another reason would be aside from being a full time mom and house chores, I am so busy with my online job that I cannot even find a time to talk to other people. How can I find time to talk to other people when I don't even have time to clean my toe nails and apply some nail polish.

People see me as a snob, but no, the truth is that I am just shy. Meeting an old acquaintances on the way,  I feel hesitant to even smile at them and feel shy to approach and talk to them. I always have doubts if they still remember me and I am afraid I might look foolish smiling at them and talking to them when they do not actually remember me. But of course if they smile and approach me, I will surely smile back and talk to them.

I am that kind of person, I am not conversationalist. I don't talk so much and I am not good at bringing up a conversation. But anyway, I am not a snob, I am just shy to talk to people.

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