Importantce of Education for Afghan girls

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Education is very important for every Afghan girl , the situation of our country has become better day by day and I think every Afghan girl should try to learn and get knowledge to build up their own life and country .

Semara is a girl and she got her education in very difficult. She is only five when she left for Pakistan and migrated. However she was very small but very keen to get good education, so she is started to finding out a good Afghani school in Pakistan but unfortunately she couldn't. finally she join in Pakistani school and try very hard to study and learn her lessons even though she didn't know their language but she always did her homework on time , and never missed the lesson , she made a good schedule for her studding . She was soon getting the top grades in every subject and her teachers were very happy with her. Her parents were also proud of her.

After she finish her school, she came back to her own homeland in Afghanistan and joined in the university. Beside of her University she heard about the Film Annex and she is very interested to join them and if possible make some money to support her education.

Now she is very happy with her education and also happy for Film Annex because it’s a very good and easy way for Afghan girls to join them by setting at home and making some money.

So I being an afghan girl suggest to all afghan girl to try hard and study well to achieve your goals and never west your time.


Zohra Habibi


About the author


Iam Zohra habibi. I am a student of BBA at Bakhtar University and currently working with ACSC as a weblogger.I am a hardworking girl and want to be a great personality in future.

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