Inbetweeners 2 - My Movie Review

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I went to the cinema last Sunday to see the Inbetweeners 2 movie. Have you seen it yet?

Inbetweeners 2 is the second film to be created from the funny and popular television series on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. The first movie was set in Spain whereas the second is mostly set in Australia.

Inbetweeners 2, is about four comically, funny lads named Simon, Neil and Will who go to Australia to see their other friend, Jay. Jay sends Neil an email, telling him how great his present lifestyle is in Australia. He claims that he is having a playboy lifestyle, so they all crazily take it all in and decide to visit Jay. Of course, their excitement is turned upside down when they see Jay living out of a small tent and working as a toilet attendant in a club in Sydney. Unperturbed, they all eventually go travelling around Australia and have some wild and crazy adventures.

Usually, the Inbetweeners' movies and episodes are always very funny and can make anyone laugh, but the start of this second movie was slow to pick up for me. I enjoyed a few particular moments in the film, but overall, I didn't laugh as much as I usually do. Of course, the movie did pick up and get funnier half way through to the end. The cinema full of people were shocked by some of the scenes which created an atmosphere of shocking laughter.

My favorite moment when watching Inbetweeners 2 was seeing Will play the guitar and singing. Nothing like this has ever been done before, so I thought it made the film more interesting than before. I, also, thought the story quickly picked up after this scene.

The hit television sitcom of Inbetweeners started off with Simon, Neil, Jay and Will as friends at school and now in Inbetweeners 2 we see them after their first year at University. I loved watching the sitcom, as it was very unusual and different to begin with. The atmosphere of their school life was a hit with many other youngsters in England including my two sons.

So, if you enjoy watching comedy movies or you are a big fan of Inbetweeners, then I recommend you go and see Inbetweeners 2.