Inner vision For Your self

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When you have a dream, a heart felt vision of something you would truly like to do; keep it sacred to you and remain in alignment with your truth regardless of what others say. This is your creation and opportunity to bring forth your heart felt soul's desires. Oftentimes, with the best of intentions, people will impose their perspective and their own limitations into your creative energy stream creating static interference within your being. Not only is this a waste of "their" energy, because it removes them from focusing on their own dreams, it also can be detrimental to your manifestation if you begin to loose focus of your original plan.

Turn up the volume of YOUR soul's calling and silence the external voices from others who unconsciously try to sabotage your dreams. When everyone steps on the inner path of their own salvation and stops focusing on what others are doing becoming aligned with their own source of fiery passion within, the vibration of this planet will be expanded because everyone will be living in alignment with their own joy and happiness.

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