Is It Animal Cruelty Or What? Cows For Bakra Eid Lifted Down By Crane In The Most Inhumane Way

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As animal prices get extremely high, it gets impossible for an average Pakistani to be able to afford an animal for sacrifice for Bakra Eid. In this situation where prices don’t seem to compromise a bit, it has become a common practice to raise one’s own animal for Bakra Eid at their own house. Just take a look at these cows for Bakra Eid being lifted down by cranes.

bakra eid

People get small calves and raise them in their own house, often on the roof top. They feed and raise them themselves, which not only costs them a fraction of the cost but it also ensures that the animal gives them good meat.


As this practice gets common especially in Karachi, the real dilemma is faced when these animals have to be shifted down from the roof to the ground for qurbani.


However, for the people of Karachi, nothing is ever a real problem and everything has a solution. These mind blowing pictures show how these people of Karachi lifted down the cows from the roof of their house using a crane.


Will you call it inhumane or genius?


These cows were probably freaking out. Not only was it dangerous for the animals but also for the person who was accompanying them.


Animals can easily get excited and lose control which could have caused fatalities.


What do you think of these?



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