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Face it. Everybody faces challenges in their life! While some people overcome these challenges, others simply give up. So, what is the difference between the person who overcomes the hurdles and the one who doesn’t?  The answer is confidence.


A catchy tune by Chumbawamba that often runs through my head goes “I get knocked down, but I get up again… You’re never gonna keep me down...”  (sound familiar?)

There is truth to these lyrics and the reality is that life does knock you down. Sometimes it IS difficult to get up again.

Getting up is crucial to building your confidence and self-esteem.  Rising up in the midst of challenges, simply by doing your best, is a powerful motivator that will encourage you to overcome.

What do you do when these challenging hurdles seem too high to overcome?  How do you get inspired when things look bleak?

A great place to start is to choose positivity.  Trust courage and know that fear is normal.  Confidence will come as you move courageously past your fears.

Look at your talents and strengths, rather than at your flaws. Choose to see the cup half full rather than half empty and change your perspective.  This will shift your focus and boost your self-esteem.


Have a recovery plan so that when you get knocked down (and you will get knocked down), you are ready with the intention to get up again.

  1. Shift things by focusing on your positive attributes and choosing to see yourself in a positive light.  Make a list of 5-10 of your talents and positive traits to reflect on.

  2. Do an activity that gives you a sense of achievement. Do something that you know you are good at and WILL accomplish. Plan a celebration when this is complete.

  3. Invest in thinking positive.  Post quotes, pictures and slogans in your room that inspire you. You can even post that list of your best 5-10 traits. This will feed your subconscious mind with positivity, encouraging you and helping your optimism to rise.

  4. Use positive affirmations to motivate yourself and post them somewhere that you will see them everyday.  Say words like these out loud:

  • I WILL succeed
  • I CAN accomplish
  • I AM happy, important, smart, strong, etc.
  • I CHOOSE happiness

Say these words over and over again until they take root in your psyche and build self-confidence. I know it sounds quirky, but be open to giving affirmations a fair try and see what happens. You would be surprised at your ability to change your own thought patterns - and your life!

  1. Set goals. Stretch outside of your comfort zone, set attainable goals and challenge yourself. Create timelines for when you will accomplish these tasks.  Most importantly, be intentional and plan to succeed.  This will motivate and inspire you to do more!

When you are intentional and have a strategy to recover, no matter what life throws at you, you WILL! Choose confidence and trust what your heart knows.

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