Islamabad police foil terror attack planned for Pakistan Day Updated

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ISLAMABAD: Police in the federal capital on Sunday foiled a terrorist attack that aimed to the strike Pakistan Day parade on 23 March, DawnNews reported.

Police sources said that two suspected terrorists were arrested during recent raids and confessed to planning an attack.

They said the men were arrested from Ghouri Town in connection with the attack on the Qasar-e-Sakina Imambargah which occurred on February 19.

Sources said the arrested men confessed to planning an attack during their interrogation. A large cache of weapons was also seized from their possession.

Earlier in February, it was announced that a joint military parade of Pakistan's armed forces would take place on Pakistan Day after a gap of seven years.

Read also: After 7 year gap, Pakistan Day to see military parade in full glory

The decision to resume the military parade appeared to be a manifestation of the military's show of strength in the wake of the shocking attack on the Army Public School (APS) in Peshawar last year, which left 150 people dead, including 132 schoolchildren.

The last military parade took place on March 23, 2008 during the tenure of Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf as a civilian president.

Recently it was revealed that 41 seminaries were to remain closed in Islamabad during the March 23 military parade for security reasons.

Read: 41 Islamabad seminaries to be shut during military parade

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