Kids Money Awareness

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For our kids to be aware where and how our income is earned, we should tell them and involve them when budgeting and share to them your financial problems. We must make them understand earning money is not easy and why money is important. It is a must also to teach them how to save money.

My 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter somehow understand where I get my money. When I sit in front of the computer I always tell them it is for me to earn money so we could buy our food and other needs. I explain to them that I should work so that I can earn money since we use that money to buy rice, their milk, bread, viand, their clothes, toys, what we spend when we go out and all the things we need and they wanted.

I tell them how hard to earn money so we should not spend it for everything they wanted and we should prioritize our needs. So when they want something and I will say we don't have money they understand immediately. Instead, they would say, "okay, then you should work now mama!"

I also make sure to teach them how to save money. They have a piggy bank and whenever they find coins or money they immediately put it there and repeatedly saying what I told them that they are saving that so we could buy them new clothes and toys for Christmas.

I know they don't understand the concept of money completely at their young age but I am happy they are beginning to learn. At least they understand a bit that they could not get everything they wanted.


Photo Credit: Google Images

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