Kilawin na tainga ng baboy

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Lets go exotic today, I learned this recipe from my father. He makes a very good one of this, and everybody in the family loves it. It is  the best partner of bean curd (tokwa), but this combination ( tokwa't baboy) is most popular in Manila, and not in Davao city, that is why this  dish is serve as a viand and Dabawenyos called this Kilawin nga dalunggan sa baboy in their vernacular.


2 pork ears ( cleaned and cooked)
1 small size onion
1/2 teaspoon ginger (minced)
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 green lemon or 5 calamansi
spring onion for garnishing
salt and pepper to taste
chilli for garnishing

1. Cut the cooked pork ears into strips
2. Mix all the ingredients.
3. Garnish with spring onion and chopped chilli pepper.



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