Knowledge Of Last Birth

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Dear friends, good afternoon how are u all?my waiting period is started in bubble and I have communicated via mail to them about same.Hope you are getting your e check within 35 days time. Coming to the topic mentioned in subject line, I have a question first that do u believe in past birth as well as new birth after death??what is your understanding about the same? I strongly believe in that because of the simple logic.Certain things we never teach to a kid like crying , laughing and other basic emotional stuffs but they still knows about the same by birth

This is because of their knowledge of last birth they can cry or laugh in initial days when they are infant. Also there are number of examples noted in the world that a boy or a person remember the facts about his last birth and tell all accurate information about the same. Scientists did cross verify such information provided by such person and they found all is perfectly true.

So it is clear that we have a next birth and also clear that we are not sure that we will be human in our next birth or not .




Source: my own article

image :pixabay