Lessons from Dad

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On an afternoon in-store decoration, I have learned the way of the fathers sales. At that time I was barely 12 years old. When I was cleaning the floor, a woman entered the store. - But I can help her? - Well, I bought a couch and its legs were loose. I want to know when I'm going to fix it? - She bought this chair when, ma'am? - About 10 years ago.
I told the father that she thinks we will repair free of her old chair. My father told her that we're going to fix the chair that evening. After screwing on chair legs, we left. On the way back to the father asked: - I love you, what makes you so sad? - If we fix the chair free then maybe we'll go bankrupt. - You, sir, despite how much I have to learn how to fix. It is a profession. Also you have missed an important detail. I have not noticed the store brands on the bench. She bought it in the store first city. - Do I want to say that we did not work for what purpose and even if she was not a customer of ours? He looked deep into my eyes and said: - Now she is our customer. Two days later, the woman returned to our store and buy new items of high value. Since then I practice the 30-year sales. I have an average annual turnover of the highest authority. I was also chosen as the representative head shops because customers are always treated with respect. +LOVE

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