Life like an umbrella...

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As the title says...we all heard about dis phrase n pray...but is it true dat if we abide by these three mottos in our life...r we gonna b happy?? The answer is no...only the ones without any responsibilities can try such thing..but the fact is life has become too harsh and no one is left witjout any responsibility....But if one is lonely..doesn't have anybody to look after to...doesn't have to care about food and the basic necessities of life can try eating...loving and praying....but with todays advent of pesticides and harmful foods..eating is no longer tension off course doesn't comes without tensions...and we pray only when we need something in our life...something that we have been longing who said that eat love n pray is for those who want to live life without ne worries???....I tried this beautiful Singapore recipe of pork n rice...thinking myself to be an adventurer...seeker for taste....but that dint end my worries in life..

About the author


I am from deli.. my job lets me meet different people around the world..i love to interact and know about different cultures..i love to write short poems in my spare time..

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