Life Quotes

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Life will always give you 100 reasons to cry but you are a brave person .Show life that you will still smile and you have more 1000 reasons for that too.

If I get a chance to be any part of yours then I prefer to be your tears. conceiving in your heart, generate in your eyes, living on your cheeks, and dying on your lips.

If I give you one thing in your life, I give you the ability to see yourself through my ways,then you will come to know how you are so special

Be positive and live a life when people remember you after you die

A positive person always knows how to re-direct his thoughts in any situation and remain always happy.

When there is a negative thought, think that if by this thought everything will be fine in my life then I will do this negative thought but if not then I will leave it.When you think positive, your subconscious mind also help you to give some ideas to resolve the issue of life so always think positive.

In life you have so many people you will get who flatters you in every situation of life but a true friend you will find rare who will be bitter but true to you.And never leave such person from your life

Source ; - My own article