Love Always Finds A Way

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Some people always say, if you really love her set her free. But how you can do that if she means a lot to you? If she got a grasp on your heart and you don't want her to let go? If you dreamed together about your future? If you already planned about your wedding and having family as well? If she is the one you want to be with for the rest of your life. . .

The relationship is not complete without having an arguments, fights, presence of jealousy etc. . . .Those are just trials and its part of any commitment. Both of you just need you sign an alliance not a surrender. . . And to build a strong relationship you must have love, respect, trust and the most important one that you can give to someone time. . .

There are times when you are bound to give up. . . But if you really love each other both of you must fight for your relationship. . . Take those crazy things and quarrels as an ingredient. . . Mix them and make a recipe to your love story. . . Always give each other a space and a chance to explain about every issue you encountered. . . And as much as possible don't confront each other when you are angry because if you did there's a possibility that you can probably say words that can hurt your partner. . . Though you’re intended not too. . . Don't just love and speak, above all you must do an action. . .