Medicinal Plants for Hypertension

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Hypertension is a disease that involves the increase in pressure above the normal limit, which is estimated at 140/90 in adults. It is a more and more common problem as people get older.

It is one of the quietest diseases that someone can suffer from, so prevention is a very important factor because it can affect your brain, heart, and kidneys, among other things. It can also even increase your risk of suffering a stroke.

Although no specific cause of hypertension has been found, some factors have been established that could be possible influencers like excessivesalt consumption, alcohol, tobacco, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Anyone can be susceptible to having this disease, which is why it is essential that you do routine checkups. If you already have it, follow the instructions your doctor gives you and combine them with a healthy diet, an exercise routine and the medicinal plants for hypertension that we will list below.


Mistletoe has a diuretic effect, strengthens the heart, and reduces blood cholesterol, because it acts as a vasodilator.

  • Boil 5 g of mistletoe for 15 minutes and drink a tablespoon of it.
  • Boil 15 mistletoe leaves in a half liter of water for 15 minutes and drink 2 cups a day for 5 to 7 days.



You can control hypertension that happens unexpectedly with 10 drops of lavender in a cloth. This remedy comes from aroma therapy and has more benefits like cellular reproduction and helps treat wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks.


This plant has been proven to reduce blood pressure and helps intensify medication to treat hypertension. You can make an infusion with the flowering tops in a glass of water, which is not a problem to eat it a few times a day.

This plant is also used for caring for the respiratory and circulatory system, menopause, and depression.

Mango Leaves

Mango leaves made in an infusion are great for urinary infections. They are rich in gallic acid which is used to fight bronchitis and has the ability to lower hypertension. Leave two semi dry leaves that are cut into small pieces in 1 liter of water in the sun for 14 hours. Drink it twice a day for 3 days. Do this a week on average.

White Hawthorn

This plant regulates the cardiac rhythm and at the same time, dilates the coronary arteries and improves heart functioning and normalizes pressure. It is also used for anxiety, tachycardia, and cholesterol reduction.

Make a white hawthorn infusion by pouring a cup of boiling water over two tablespoons. Drink two or three cups a day.

Olive Tree


Green olive tree leaf extract has been very effective for the treatment of hypertension. Its consumption is just as effective as commonly prescribed medications. Moreover, it also reduces triglyceride levels in blood plasma.

You can boil a tablespoon of leaves in a cup of water for ten minutes. Drink it on an empty stomach and before you go to bed.