Meeting with friend yesterday

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Yesterday after like almost 8 months, I forgot the exact date we last saw each other before yesterday but it was way back January, me and my friend sheen meet again. Of course I had to wait for her again, even her workplace is nearer in the mall than my house. Haha But for the times we meet before I guess I always waited. Anyway that is fine, because she is a friend you can keep for a lifetime and you can count to. We've been close friends since December or November of 2011, since she's kind of my outlet when my bitchy boss that time is pestering me. haha Don't get me wrong, that bitchy boss, I had before, we're okay now, like June 2012 it started until like mid 2013. But I remember that boss ruining my 2011 Christmas, but let's not talk about her here. I may write an article about her and how bitchy she's been to me next time. haha

So there yesterday we meet, like I said I waited like less than 30 minutes, haha I've gone to NBS already to buy a book. My gash, I spent again. I will make another post about that spending and book too(if I remember). So we ate at Greenwich and catch up, work stuffs, and ex colleague, we barely talk about her love life. Haha We'll talk about that next time we meet &marie_24.

What else we did? We paid her phone bill, we hopped in another mall, and looked for the book she wanted to buy, Boy Meets Girl of J.Harris but it is out of stock. haha Anyhow there are lots of good book that seems to be interesting to read, though we need a lot of money to buy those books. haha It's not like NBS that we can stand there and read all we want. Haha The bookstore is kind of small and it is kind of shameful in our part lol if we will just stand there and stay and read. Haha
We gone to groceries too, and after that we went out of the mall. She took the ride first. hehe Then at last after her I took my ride home. We'll meet again next time sheen. hehe

p.s I'm not able to take our pic because aside from the fact that I just have a feature phone, specs are not so good, my memory card is full as well. I guess I need a new phone and memory card too, I myself before is fond of taking pictures too. haha