Mold Remediation

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Simple Tips for Successful Mold Remediation

Molds are microorganisms that grow on surfaces that become moist with organic matter such as on books, carpets, clothing and drywall. Negligence of mold growth causes property damage and serious health hazards. Hence, it is essential to take mold remediation measures to curb the growth of molds.

Here are some tips for clearing molds successfully in an indoor environment:

  1. Before cleaning the molds inspect the water damaged part thoroughly for the extent of damage. In cases of severe damage, it is recommended to assess the extent of damage effectively by moving the furniture, the inside of ventilation ducts and in the crevices of the walls.

  2. After identifying the locations affected by the molds, assess the possible causes for moisture in the affected areas, and repair the problem that is the cause.

  3. If the occupants of the house are suffering from any serious health hazards, do air sampling to identify the species of the fungi and concentration of the spores. This eases the process of mold remediation by using specific effective measures.

  4. If you suspect mold growth, increase the circulation of fresh air in the effected area to prevent further damage.

  5. Clean the effected air with a biocide to kill the molds. After application of biocide, use effective drying techniques and cleaning methods to remove the mold completely.

  6. An effective and inexpensive mold removal technique you can make use of a dry Chemical fog. A dry chemical fog when used in a room that is infested with mold will clean the mold without causing any further damage to the property.

  7. Removal of mold from non-porous surfaces is done by scrubbing with a detergent solution mixed with a fungicide. But, make sure to dry the surface quickly. Mold that gets attached to the metal, wood, plastic or concrete surfaces should be scrapped off thoroughly before scrubbing.

  8. The last step is to thoroughly dry the cleaned areas as well as the areas outside the affected area. To prevent further mold infestations, spray a fungicide to the effected, but cleaned areas. Drying should be done using a high efficiency air filtered vacuum cleaner. After vacuuming, the collected debris should be disposed of by using an impervious bag.

Precautions to be taken to prevent mold growth

  • Increase the extent of airflow within the house by keeping the doors and windows open, do this on a regular basis. If the house is poorly ventilated then make use of fans or other air conditioning facilities to circulate fresh air within the house.

  • Kitchen, laundry area, bathrooms and attic are highly susceptible to mold growth. Keep them dry by installing exhaust fans.

  • Cover the spaces that are not used regularly with a plastic sheet.

  • Clean the upholstery, bedding and clothing periodically to prevent mold growth. Keep the floor carpets dry by using a dehumidifier.

  • Cleanliness is the major requisite to prevent the mold growth. Hence, vacuum the house regularly and clean up water spills immediately.

In certain cases, it difficult to control mold growth even after taking all the necessary measures to keep the house clean and dry. In such situations, it is recommended to employ a mold remediation services to get rid of the water damage mold. 

About the author


I'm a work from home grandmother, blogger and freelance writer i'm owned by several cats, 2 dogs and a parrot.

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