Motivation for the Day

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Beware of the dream-busters who find pleasure in telling you that you can not have your dream and that you should give up. That is a part of life. There will always be people in your face telling you NO! But do not let anyone turn you around! Keep your mind focused on your goal. There will be seasons where you will fall on hard times and you may wonder if you will be able so survive. The answer is Yes!! You have it like that!

Do not let anyone turn you around! You have a power in you that can turn rejection into acceptance; powerlessness into strength; and a layoff into a successful business. Don’t let nobody turn you around! This is the time you have to get your hustle on and make things happen, because you were born to win. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown

About the author


I'm good with money-making and i love to play games and watch movies.

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