Multi Talented Humans

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In ancient days our ancestors are multi talented personalities. Yes Veda, rifle, yoga, martial arts.etc are teach by one master.

We are well known about swami Vivekananda. He is a yogi, poet, singer, speaker, saint, expert in martial arts, etc.

Right now also many great persons doing business, sports, cinema etc.

But we are stuck in something that we are not able to do multiple things and we put bridle to ourselves.

In one point its right that we need to focus on one point at a time so that we can achieve the target, but we have to do many things in this particular life span.


We may see our Hindu gods have several hands this shows that we need to do many things. We may put schedule for each tasks that which one needs to be done soon and we plan accordingly.

So, from our ancestors we take inspiration and we have to learn many things and need to achieve great.


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