My dream world

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My Dream world


I don’t know how to start my word, and clear my imagination world for you, Where is just my imagination and i am sure it is not true.  Dreams and imagination which i am living with and with my childhood dreams i make my imagination word nice and nice, I am an Afghan guy sometimes i should see some things through imaginations which this glorious imagination will take away my depression and my bad memories.

In my imagination word I am walking in endless streets to get happiness, and I am walking in through my future word like a sun over my beautiful Afghanistan and sometimes i see through my dreams that birds are returning to its own homes.

In my dream world I see children hand in hand walking though green deserts full of nice flowers and laughing together and made a small community for them and like nice butterfly they are they are throwing their balloons away. In my dream world people are living without hate and spite they used to love each other and all people all clear like glasses and my imagination world floor is covered with beauty flowers, my imagination world is where children and not looking for a piece of bread and not polishing peoples shoes and not having carton hanging around their neck selling things for people, and mothers are not crying for their children and not worry of children, and people are not going to other stranger countries for family support and finding some work.

My dream world I know you will always be a dream for me but I am happy for having such dream in mind, sometimes thinking for my dream world it worth of hours being sad my dream world stay with me, you are my dream great and nice Afghanistan, and hope to someday this dream world changes to a real world of living.

Very Respectfully

   Javid Haidari

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