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I still remember the day I lost my favorite and lucky wallet; it was two years before when I was doing my second year college. I reached my college in the morning and went to auditorium for a department function with my friends and I left my wallet in my bag which I kept in my class and went.


When I returned back to class I did not notice that my wallet was missing in my bag, many classes was going and it was time to go back to home , I had enough money to go home, I reached home and in evening when I was searching my bag I found that my wallet was missing in that, I felt so bad because I had my atm card, my mother’s photograph, and some personal things in it. Then I said to my mother that my wallet was missing, my mom pacified me and said me that I will definitely get that wallet.

And one fine day I got a call from some un known person stating that they found my missing wallet and to collect it.finally my lucky wallet was back to me.


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