My Son. The Genius!

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My teenaged son was just sitting here next to me. He went in the kitchen to find a snack. He came out with a package of Pop Tarts toaster pastry.

As he began to eat, he looked at me and said, "Mom, I have an idea. I bet these things would taste really good if you could find a way to heat them before you eat them." I looked at him and tried to keep a straight face. I said, "You think?" He said "yeah! But it would probably take to long in the oven. Maybe in the Microwave!" I said, "No, I don't think the crust would do right in the microwave." I said...."mayyyyybe, you could heat them in the toaster." His eyes lit up and he said "Yeah! We should definitely get a toaster!" I said, "Son that square thing on the counter in the kitchen is a toaster."

After he successfully managed to use the toaster that he didn't know we owned. He said, "we should email these people and tell them about my idea." I said, "let me check the box for an email address." Then I brought him the box and pointed to the instructions where it explains to heat in a toaster. And he and I had a good laugh.

I sometimes wonder is he gets brain hick-ups