Nautical Aliens

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It is the new year, and already I have filmed my first film. It is only a small video but what an amazing opportunity it was. There is nothing better then starting the new year with a bit of family collaboration. My older brother Sam is a freelance illustrator/artist who produces some amazing alternative pieces of art. His work has landed him exhibitions and work since he graduated in the summer of 2013. 

Since we both produce forms of art, we collaborated to produce a speed painting of one of his new pieces of work entitled Nautical Aliens

We filmed and edited the whole thing in a day and was a good experience for both me and my brother. 

I know in the future we will be working together again to do more speed paintings, and maybe even interview, and promotional work for my up coming films

Here is a link to the Nautical Aliens video :-

Thanks for reading.

About the author


My name is Dominic Mathewson and I am a young film maker.

My aim is to challenge boundaries and share stories that I feel need to be shared.

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