Never Watch Politics Late at Night.

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I was half asleep, ready for bed. I got myself snuggled up comfortable and then made a fatal error. Instead of turning off the television, I switched channels searching for the news, went onto BBC1 only to find a bunch of politicians in debate. Oh dear, why oh why did I watch it? I have never heard more people talk more rubbish in a single setting than I have heard tonight. I cannot believe these guys are among the leaders and would be leaders of the country. One party almost extinct because of its unwise decision to join forces with another so that they could be in power, without properly finding out what it would mean for his party. Now no one takes them seriously now. Another who is trying to restore the country's absolute mistrust in their ability to handle its financial affairs. Another joker whose party are seriously so unprepared for politics it's ridiculous. It's as though one person decided to run and did not expect the type of reaction their presence stirred, then decided let's do this without any referendum, any policies, any proposal of what they would even do if they were successful in the general election. They continually flog the same tired issues without any facts to their cause or claim and then another representing the ruling party who looks so bored and tired of politics himself he fosters no encouragement to watch him. Already sensing defeat, he is throwing out more collaborative jesters. What a bunch of clowns. Really, I want to vote but there isn't one party right now that I could consider a viable candidate for my vote.
Oh now I am wide awake, bright eyed and bushy tail at almost 3am. This is why I do not watch politics, it just creams my corn!

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